*[New Integration]* Announcing The Zillow Rentals and CloudPano Direct Integration!

CloudPano Editorial Team
April 30, 2024
5 min read
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In the ever-evolving landscape of real estate marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential for capturing the attention of potential renters and buyers. In a recent announcement, Zach Calhoun from CloudPano.com unveiled an exciting integration that promises to revolutionize the way properties are showcased on Zillow Rentals. This groundbreaking collaboration between CloudPano and Zillow Rentals offers real estate professionals and property owners an innovative way to showcase their listings with immersive 360 virtual tours. Let’s delve into the details of this integration and explore how it works.

Seamless Integration for Captivating Listings

Zach Calhoun’s recent video announcement revealed a seamless integration between CloudPano and Zillow Rentals, designed to enhance property listings with captivating 360 virtual tours. This integration aims to make it easier than ever for users to share their 360 virtual tours on their listings, capturing the attention of potential renters in a way that traditional images simply can’t match.

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started

In the demo video provided by CloudPano, Zach Calhoun walks viewers through the simple process of integrating 360 virtual tours with Zillow Rentals. The steps are straightforward and user-friendly:

  1. Accessing CloudPano: To get started, users can visit CloudPano.com and either sign up or log in to their existing accounts.
  2. Creating a Virtual Tour: Once logged in, users can create and upload their 360 virtual tours and images. CloudPano’s platform offers an array of features, such as adding hotspots, infospots, and embedding various media types to enrich the tour experience.
  3. Setting Up Your Tour: Users can navigate through the settings and brand kit options to fine-tune their virtual tours. Additionally, a checkbox enables users to publish their tours on partner sites like Zillow Rentals.
  4. Adding an Address: The key step in the integration process is adding the property’s address within the CloudPano editor. This address prompts the automatic syndication of the 360 virtual tour to Zillow Rentals.
  5. Publishing the Tour: After adding the address, users can publish their tour. A successful sync indicator confirms that the tour has been successfully integrated with partner sites, including Zillow Rentals.

Enhanced Listing on Zillow Rentals

On Zillow Rentals, users can view the integrated 360 virtual tour by clicking on the “Explore 3D tour” option. This brings up the immersive tour experience within the Zillow platform, offering potential renters a unique way to explore the property.

Benefits of the Integration:

The integration between CloudPano and Zillow Rentals offers several notable benefits for real estate professionals and property owners:

  • Immersive Experience: The integration enables property listings to stand out with captivating 360 virtual tours that provide an immersive experience for potential renters.
  • Effortless Sharing: Sharing 360 virtual tours on Zillow Rentals is a seamless process, requiring only the addition of the property’s address within the CloudPano editor.
  • Increased Engagement: 360 virtual tours have the potential to engage potential renters more effectively than static images, allowing them to virtually “walk through” a property before visiting in person.
  • Enhanced Listings: Property listings on Zillow Rentals gain an edge by offering a more interactive and detailed view of the property, attracting more attention from interested parties.


The integration of CloudPano’s 360 virtual tours with Zillow Rentals marks a significant advancement in real estate marketing. This collaboration empowers real estate professionals and property owners to showcase their listings with captivating 360 virtual tours that enhance engagement and attract potential renters. As the industry continues to evolve, partnerships like this demonstrate the importance of embracing innovative technologies to create more immersive and effective property listings. To get started on transforming your property listings, visit CloudPano.com today and discover the future of real estate marketing.

Visit CloudPano.com and embark on your journey towards creating captivating virtual tours that leave a lasting impression.

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