How to Use 360 Virtual Tour Software to Showcase Your Event Space

CloudPano Editorial Team
April 30, 2024
5 min read
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Venues greatly range in size and design; depending on how spaces are marketed to potential event hosts is the key to successfully fulling calendar dates. Event halls are displayed online with a series of rooms and entryways pictured. The layout of the venue space can get confusing quickly. Not to worry, 360 virtual tours offer the perfect solution to display any venue’s layout and space in the venue's entirety. 

360 virtual tours can be done in minutes after taking 360 photos of specific areas that will showcase venues to the fullest potential. Using 360 virtual tours venues have the ability to break away from the standard mold of weddings and conferences; revealing the entire event space ensures potential hosts have the access to all the information they need at a moment's notice. As the venue coordinator, your job is to showcase the space and ensure calendar dates are filled with deposits. 360 virtual tours help to make your job easy, and in-person tours to uninvested clients no longer take up your valuable time. 

360 virtual tours can be displayed on any website with personalized branding labels, ensuring potential clients view the space in all its glory as well as have easy access to book a date or in-person tour with your venue. 

Showcasing Your Event Space

When displaying any event space with 360 virtual tour software there are a few things to remember. First, clean and prepare any spaces that will be on display during the tour, also these spaces are best captured on 360 software when well-lit. Next, take 360-degree photos, this can be done using a smartphone app or a 360-degree camera such as the go pro max, the Samsung gear 360, or the Insta 360 One RS. Thirdly, organize your 360-degree photos to create a seamless 360 virtual tour through any space. Before sharing this amazing 360 virtual tour, interactive features can be added such as hotspots. These clickable areas can offer more information through text boxes or audio guides allowing users to learn what amenities are offered through the event space. When the 360 virtual tour is complete and ready to be showcased, the venue can easily be shared either through an embedded link on a website or on social media. With the ability to add virtual tours to marketing material or email signatures, 360 virtual tour software ensures venues obtain more exposure. 

Types of Marketed Events for Your Venue

360 virtual tour software showcases any event space to the fullest. Ensuring any potential client is shown how their event will be clear and organized so that any event can be celebrated and enjoyed by all in attendance. 


Many cities have local meet-ups of many different kinds, from general business meetings to organized conventions. Venues can coordinate with local communities to ensure their venue’s 360 virtual tours are linked or displayed to guarantee no customers miss the meet-up experience your venue provides!


Convention coordinators need to have the most information possible while organizing the overall agenda for the conference. Keynote speakers will need to be informed of when and where they are speaking; depending on the size of the convention “green rooms” may need to be used several times a day by many different speakers and stocked regularly. While this might not seem like the job of the venue, the overall experience offered is what brings consumers back time and time again. By using 360 virtual tour software, venues are displayed seamlessly and easily online, allowing clients to still view the space after booking but before the scheduled event to ensure speakers, vendors, and any displays or activities relating to the convention are prepared ahead of time; ensuring the event atmosphere is a perfect success. 360 virtual tour software allows your event space to be visualized by potential buyers and clients, granting them the ability to plan out every tiny perfect detail! 

Special Events

Stress can quickly consume any planner when searching for the perfect space for an engagement, wedding, birthday, quinceañera, Bat Mitzvah, anniversary, or any other celebration. Venues displayed using 360 virtual tour software, can be set up to show which areas are better or how a space might be transformed for any of the many celebrations life has to offer!

Marketing with 360 Virtual Tours to Showcase Venues and Ensure Full Booking 

360 virtual tour software saves venue coordinators time and money. Displaying venues and event spaces online can reduce the time wasted on uninterested clients. Allowing clients to fully view venues using 360 virtual tour software with key information points added provides the necessary information upfront, giving the client the ability to either book the venue or request an in-person tour anyways. 360 virtual tour software allows venue coordinators to focus their efforts on truly interested clients with maybe a touch of upsell! 

Social Media

Social media is everywhere and can be a great marketing tactic for any venue. Having a presence on social media is vital. Any venue tagged within a celebration post has the possibility to be viewed by other followers, opening up even more prospects through just one free tag on a social media account. Think what hundreds could do! 360 virtual tours allow guests to tag the venue’s social media accounts, users then click into the venue’s social media and have immediate access to the 360 virtual tours, viewing the event space in its entirety and the ability to schedule the venue themselves within seconds. 


Cloudpano’s 360 virtual tour software guarantees any event space is displayed to the fullest potential. Along with premium 360 virtual tour software, Cloudpano offers a mobile app granting users access to any previously created tour in a library, ready at a moment’s notice. No matter the time or place, social media is constantly running with Cloudpano’s virtual tour software, links to 360 tours are easily shared through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter along with embedded 360 tour links in venue websites. 360 virtual tour software guarantees 360 virtual tours exposure is unlimited.

No matter the size of the event space being marketed, 360 virtual tours can help to display the venue to the fullest; pulling in more potential buyers and increasing the venue’s exposure. When searching for new and innovative ways to market any event space consider 360 virtual tour software as a vital tool to have for your marketing endeavor.


In the realm of venue marketing, 360 virtual tours are the game-changer you've been waiting for. These tours offer a comprehensive view of event spaces, breaking away from traditional methods and allowing potential hosts to explore with ease. From meet-ups to special events, 360 virtual tours redefine how venues are showcased, leading to increased exposure and bookings. CloudPano's cutting-edge virtual tour software simplifies the process, making it accessible for venue coordinators to present their spaces seamlessly. With the power of interactive features and social media integration, 360 virtual tours are the ultimate tool for captivating clients and ensuring full bookings. Explore CloudPano's capabilities and let your event spaces shine in the spotlight of innovation.

Visit and embark on your journey towards creating captivating virtual tours that leave a lasting impression.

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